
God’s SECRET AGENTS, Cat and Sandy Cathcart

Welcome Fellow SECRET AGENT!

You have arrived at a place of encouragement!

We live in a time of uncertainty and fear, but there is good news! Our awesome Creator Redeemer has promised to never leave or forsake us. He has a plan for our lives that will fulfill our wildest dreams if we will but follow His leading.

As God’s SECRET AGENTS, we endeavor to replace “world think” with “God think.” In other words, we tune in through prayer to God’s thoughts instead of relying on our old way of intuitive thinking. God think is not intuitive. In fact, it is usually just the opposite, which creates an exciting way to live.

My name is Sandy Cathcart. I have been young and now I am not. Yet, my awesome Creator Redeemer is still leading me on an exciting and productive journey. He has promised I will still be a green tree up to the time He calls me home.

While the world sets people like me (the older generation) aside as used up and no longer relevant, God says just the opposite. We have much to offer the younger generation in the way of encouragement and personal experience.

If you are a young person who has found your way here, welcome! We believe we both have something to offer each other. You give us freshness and we can warn of pitfalls to avoid as we share miraculous events we have witnessed.

Sandy Cathcart and some of her team from Capturing Story will be posting words of encouragement, talking with you regarding your challenges and wins, and offering prayer support. It is important for you to weigh in with your thoughts and concerns so we can all help each other become the SECRET AGENTS God created us to be!

If you haven’t done so yet, be sure and TAKE THE SECRET AGENT QUIZ to discover your SSR (SECRET AGENT RATING) and receive your free download of the SECRET AGENT CODE.

Be sure to pick up your copy of SECRET AGENT: A MEMOIR here.

Blessings on your journey!