I recently bought the Passion Bible illustrated by my awesome artist friend,
Ron DiCianni. At first, I wasn’t fond of it, because it changed the wording of
some of my favorite Bible passages. But now, I’ve grown to really love it. I
use it in conjunction with my beloved NIV Bible.
Today’s passage from Philippians chapter two really spoke to my heart. Verse
13 says,
“God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to
do what pleases him.”
I really like that!
I don’t need to muster the strength or “pull myself up by my bootstraps” as
some people say. All I need to do is call out to my awesome Creator Redeemer
and He will revitalize me.
Do you need revitalizing? Do you need passion?
Run to Jesus! He’ll give it to you.
The passage goes on to say:
“Live a cheerful life, without complaining or division among yourselves.”
Boy howdy. We haven’t been doing so well with that.
“For then you will be seen as innocent (mature) faultless, and pure children
of God, even though you live in the midst of a brutal and perverse culture.”
Can anybody relate?
“For you will appear among them as shining lights in the universe, holding
out the words of eternal life.”
I think most of us have been failing at this star shining thing. We’ve been
too long fighting for our own rights instead of seeking what God wants. What
does God want?
God wants us to love Him and love others . . . ALL others . . . even our
Verse 21 says, “For it seems as though everyone else is busy seeking what is
best for themselves instead of the things that are most important to our Lord
Jesus Christ.”
How about it, SECRET AGENTS? Are you ready to be busy about the things that
are most important to our Lord Jesus Christ?
If you haven’t already, take the SECRET AGENT Quiz and get your copy of the
SECRET AGENT Code. It helps us remember the things that are
important to our awesome Creator Redeemer.
You can also find SECRET MISSIONS inside the pages of SECRET
AGENT: A MEMOIR. Choose the ones that resonate best with your dreams and start
walking toward the miraculous life God always meant you to live.